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Yoz0ra Reads

I'm a college student. Manga, Light Novels, etc.

ttyl - Lauren Myracle

When the series came out years ago during my pre-teen/teenage years, I wasn't interested in reading the books because I thought the books were trying too hard to be cool and relevant with the IM messaging and pop culture references. I was also not interested in reading about contemporary school stuff because I couldn't relate to the characters and stuff that happens in the genre among other reasons (with a few exceptions).

I decided to gave this book a shot since I received it as part of my Banned Books Week 2018 humble bundle. So I read the entire book within a couple of days (forgot the actual dates), but I didn't like it. I liked the fast pacing, but I felt the way it handled difficult topics to fall flat. The book and the series had the potential for me if it approached the topics with care, but it didn't. It felt "tacked" on for me. I didn't like the characters, and I found it hard to tell them apart since they have the same voice to me.